About the Webinar
Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) seem to be everywhere nowadays, it can digitally represent any asset, including online-only assets like digital artwork and real assets such as as real estate. Other examples of the assets that NFTs can represent include in-game items like digital and non-digital collectibles, domain names, and event tickets. The objective of the webinar :
- To learn the nature of the NFTs, blockchain and cryptocurrency on the business of art, game and other potential applications
- To understand the legal issues that have arisen with regard to blockchain
- To consider some of the legal issues which may occur
About the Speaker
Mr. Henry Yu Pui Hang AKC, LLB, PCLL, CFT
Founder and Principal Partner of
L & Y Law Office and Henry Yu & Associates
Henry Yu & Associates, in association with L & Y Law Office
Mr. Yu is the founder and principal partner of L & Y Law Office and Yu & Associates. His areas of expertise include blockchain, commercial law, corporate and commercial transactions and foreign and cross-border investments, and has qualified as a Certified Financial Technologist (CFT). Prior to that, Mr. Yu worked as Executive Director & Deputy Head of Legal Counsel of ICBC International Holdings Limited, which is the investment banking arm of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Stock Code: 1398), one of the largest banks in the world.
Mr. Yu is a member of the Innotech Committee (formerly known the Technology Committee) of the Law Society of Hong Kong, and has also been appointed as the Hon. Legal Advisor to the Hong Kong Federation Invention and Innovation (HKFii, 香港發明創新總會), Hon. Legal Advisor to the Hong Kong International Blockchain & Financial Association (HKIBFA, 香港
國際區塊鏈和金融協會), Hon. Legal Advisor to the Institute of Financial Technologies of Asia (IFTA, 亞洲金融科技師學會), Hon. Legal Advisor to the Bitcoin Association of Hong Kong (香港比特幣協會) and Hon. Legal Advisor to the Hong Kong International Family Office Association (香港國際家族辦公室總會). Mr. Yu has also been appointed as Executive Principal of China Commercial Blockchain Legal Institute (華商區塊鏈法律研究院) and the committee member of TechFin (GHM Greater Bay Area) Association(粵港澳大灣區科技金融協會). Mr. Yu was awarded the “China Commercial 2019 Outstanding Contribution Award”.
From time to time, Mr. Yu represents the blockchain Community at meetings with the Legislative Council Members, the HKMA and the FTSB.