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Committees of HKIArb

Home About Us Who We Are Committees of HKIArb

Committees of HKIArb

by lee

Committees 2024/2025

Construction and Adjudication Committee

Chair: Dr. LAM Wai Pan, Wilson

Institutional Development (Overseas) Committee

Chair: Mr. WONG Chat Chor, Samuel

Institutional Development (PRC) Committee

Co-Chair: Dr. MA Yiu Tim, Jimmy, SBS, JP
Co-Chair: Professor Yun ZHAO

Intellectual Properties Committee

Chair: Mr. TONG Tat Hay, Anthony

Mediation and Conciliation Committee

Chair: Ms. SIU, Wing Yee, Sylvia JP

Membership Affairs Committee

Chair: Mr. Wan Hoi Tick, Barbarossa

Training and Education Affairs Committee

Chair: Mr. LEUNG Hay Yin, Adrian

Training and Education Affairs (Talks) Committee

Chair: Mr. YANG Chun Lei, Raymond

Website Development Committee

Chair: Mr. WONG Chi Man, Simon