Topic: Derivatives: Hedging or Another Exposure?
Date: 21 July 2022
Time: 6:00pm – 7:15pm (Hong Kong time) including Q&A
Language: English
Format: Zoom
About the Webinar
Discussion Threads:
1. Shipowners and Charterers perspective (liquidity, optionality and positions unwinding)
2. Minimizing basis Risk, correlation (including cross hedging)
3. What / when to hedge: a challenge to predict and probability of catching the peaks and troughs
4. Hedging: trade specific versus a portfolio approach (practical constraints)
5. Hedging turning into speculation: is discipline to close position is a market driven choice?
6. FFA hedging as an additional optimization tool for pool members and how pool managers can help shipowners to convert from spot to fixed earnings and vice versa depending upon the prevailing FFA levels?
About the Speakers
- John Banaszkiewicz, Founder, Freight Investor Services (FIS)
- Prof. Nikos Nomikos, Professor of Ship Finance, Bayes Business School (Earlier Cass Business School)
- Alex Haubert, Manager, Ocean Freight, AMAGGI SA
- Ignacio Pizarro, Senior Manager – Klaveness / Global Head Partner Relations, Baumarine Pool
- Emily Driver, Sr. Dry FFA Broker, Clarksons Platou Futures Ltd.
Jagmeet Makkar, FICS, Chairman, Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers Hong Kong Branch, IME(I) Chair, IMU