About the Webinar
This webinar, conducted by Mr. Lianjun Li, will introduce Hong Kong shipping law and discuss the latest developments of the Hong Kong case laws in the area. The legal issues arising from the MV Ever Given saga will also be explored.
As an introduction to the topic, the webinar will first explore Hong Kong shipping law from the following aspects:
- Common maritime contracts: voyage charter, time charter, bills of lading
- Ship arrest in Hong Kong: law and practice
- Maritime arbitration
- Limitation of liability
The webinar will then discuss the latest development of shipping case laws in Hong Kong:
- Bright Shipping Ltd v Changhong Group (HK) Ltd [2019] 5 HKLRD 30, [2019] HKCA 1062
- Perusahaan Perseroan (Persero) PT Pertamina v Trevaskis Ltd and Others [2021] HKCFI 396
The saga of MV Ever Given blocking the Suez Canal will then be analysed:
- Overview of the accident
- Subsequent proceedings
- Related parties and claims
About the Speaker
Lianjun Li
Partner, Reed Smith Richards Butler
Lianjun Li is a senior partner of Reed Smith Richards Butler and head of the transportation and commercial litigation department of the firm.
Lianjun qualified as a solicitor in Hong Kong, England and Wales. He has extensive experience in dealing with legal issues and disputes relating to international trade, commercial transactions, transportation, shipping, cross-border investments, shareholder agreement and bond issuance, litigation and arbitration.
Lianjun is also an experienced international commercial and maritime arbitrator. He is a panel arbitrator listed in many well-known arbitration institutions.
Lianjun has been recognized by Chambers & Partners, Legal 500, and Who’s Who Legal as a leading individual for many years.